Thursday, September 18, 2008

You're 32 now...give it up.

John had to say goodbye to his beloved truck that he got on his 16th birthday. Hello at 16, goodbye at 32. I really wanted to write on it as he drove it to work on his birthday(the last day) something like, "I'm 32, I'm a Major in the United States Air Force, and this is what I drive." So goodbye rusty ole' clunker, we have enjoyed putting no money into you over the last decade...thanks so much for driving him faithfully the 50 feet to work will be missed.


Unknown said...

Was this blog really to prove to me he does have other clothes? So sad, what did you do with it?

Pielstick said...

Did the truck die or did you just decide to get a new one? Did John get the truck of his dreams? He deserves it but you also deserve a sportscar!!!

Grannee said...

Lisa, in a way the truck did "die" but no one noticed! His stepdad gave him that truck thinking he would get it back when he graduated college. Never did we think that poor truck would have so many tales to tell in 16 years! But as we took it back home last week, it was sad to be away from John. Grannee of 4 Jays