Thursday, October 9, 2008

Feelin a little blue

What to do, what to do, what on earth to do with this precious child of mine. Justin is so far not improving in the realm of being civilized with other children. And I, being the incredibly impatient mom that I am, am feeling a bit discouraged. He was at flag football practice yesterday and no kidding, within the first 5 minutes he had pushed two kids down and pinched another one. I had to pull him off of the field. It is SO devastating to watch your own child not be able to interact... for the other parents who look at you like you have two heads and try to keep thier kids away from yours. For me, for John, at home, in our family he is fabulous. When we go out, he is fabulous. When he gets around other kids that irritate him...not so fabulous. I won't go into too much detail but just know that we are feeling very challenged right now so please pray for our boy. We need joy to fill his heart.

This is the book I picked up at Barnes & Noble. I read another one while he was reading some of his books; it is like they are talking about Justin. We feel like we are doing everything we can do to help him and to be honest, we are a little clueless as to how to proceed. I quit my job, we tried a new school, I am homeschooling him, we work with him, we work with him, we work with him. So will you pray for us? This issue affects every bit of our daily lives, it affects our family, it affects our marriage, it affects his relationship with his brothers, it is far reaching but I know we will not give up...we will NOT give up. -signed- a very blue blogger.


Unknown said...

Oh, so sad Sonia! I can't even be funny about that one. Yes, Yes, Yes! You are all in my prayers.

Papa said...

My prayers are your prayers my sweet one. What a challenge eh?
It's hard not to feel alone on this but I am here for you... Dad

Grannee said...

What can Grandpa John and I do for our sweet Justin? Colleen wants to know, too. He is in my thoughts daily hoping what you are doing for him will help.

Pielstick said...

I will be praying for Justin and for all of you. You know I am here for you, let me know if there is anything at all I can do. I love and care for all of you!

Tracy703 said...

I will say prayers for Justin. I know I haven't seen him in a long time but he was always such a happy sweet, little guy. I'll tell Nee-Nee to pray for him too!