Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A bit about me

So I have no camera and in my quest to document our life on a somewhat daily basis and John boy not due home with my camera for a few more days I am forced to be a bit more creative...yikes. So here goes, a few things about me. I was going to name this post 10 things about me...but that was a lot of pressure to see if I could come up with 10 things. And with the state of the economy who needs more pressure...ha, just kidding, the economy has nothing to do with it, I just think everyone needs to blame something on the makes it sound like we all watch CNN..a lot. TMI doesn't even begin to cover it so look away now if you wish. So, with no further adoo..a few things...

1. I am intrigued by canned meat. I saw ground turkey in a can today at the commissary and let me just tell ain't lookin nothing like turkey. Who buys that? And while we are at it, who buys the pigs feet in the jars too? Our commissary doesn't carry fresh basil, but jarred pigs feet we got!

2.My favorite word is serendipity. I must confess I don't even quite know what it means but it's just such a happy little word to say.

3. Every morning when I put my makeup on, I inevitably poke myself with the mascara brush in my left eye. It then starts to water, and hurt like heck, and then it waters more so there I sit in my underwear on the toilet seat with toilet paper over my eye trying to stop the deafening pain occuring in my eyeball. Which then leads to the makeup on that side of my face running off my face and looking like a smeared mess and giving the appearance that I have been crying. I then do my best to fix it, come out of the bathroom and then get asked by my husband what is wrong. To which I reply, "nothing is wrong, I poked my eye." To which he says, "No really, what is wrong." To which I then get angry..irritable that he keeps asking me when NOTHING IS WRONG! So then we start our day in a huff even though nothing is WRONG! The next day, I rise, poke my eye, and the vicious cycle starts all over again.

4. People arguing with someone whom they are talking to on their blue tooth makes me giggle.

5. I have learned more about the character of others in the last 4 months than I have in 30 years. Disappointing, frightening and encouraging all at the same time.

6. I love movies. There is few things I enjoy more than a funny movie with a big bowl of popcorn in my pajamas. I love the movie "Elf." Yet I only watch it beginning on Thanksgiving day until Christmas and then it goes back up on the dusty shelf until next year. I look forward to that movie every year. I don't know if it's the grown man in tights that does it for me or what.

7. I don't pee or fart in front of my husband. I find that to be weird.

8. I find marriage to be one of the most entertaining gifts that God gave us on this earth. I love how each marriage is it's own story..or soap opera whichever the case may be...and I adore listening to stories of people that have been married to each other for decades. I can't wait to be one of those people.

9. I never thought I'd do two things in my life: have twins and homeschool. Nuff said. I adore both.

10. I think argyle looks equally good on men and women.

11. Tid-bit 2 made me feel as though I should look up the word serendipity whilest I was thinking about it. So here it is the official definition of serendipity:the effect by which one accidentally discovers something fortunate, especially while looking for something else entirely. ...

12. I often wonder if my husband finds me funny. It takes a lot to make him laugh out loud. Of course he has seen me naked so that would provoke a laugh in anyone.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A bit about you...from Chris.

1. Canned meat is an organizational dream come true...when was the last time you tried to stack several whole turkeys?

2. I have a favorite word too...isn't that serendipitous? By the way, it's "extraordinary." Doesn't that just mean something is more ordinary than just regular ordinary?

3. Maybe you should try using your other hand to do your mascara...and seriously, what's wrong?

4. That's funny because I just...hang on, I'm getting a call.

5. You'd probably notice more if you didn't poke yourself in the eye all the time.

6. Great flick! "The yellow ones don't stop!"

7. I've peed and farted in front of your husband, it's no big deal.

8. Just check out our blog for your "stories" fix.

9. But were you homeschooled in having twins?

10. Ironically enough, your husband looks equally as good as both a man and woman...argyle or not.

11. Not really a tid-bit about you at all.

12. You forgot to mention in your top ten tid-bits that you're not very good at math...