Sunday, October 19, 2008

Shout out to our Nee-Nee & hi to Caitlyn

When we lived in IL we had a blessing sent from heaven above in the form of one 16 year old girl. Tiffany...who in two year old twin lingo quickly became "Nee-Nee". Homegirl would just show up at my door and ask things like, "Hi Mrs. Martin! I was wondering if I could take the twins to the park to play." Uhhh, hold on a second. Let me pick myself up off the floor. "Sure!" I would say, nonchalantly...all the while doing cartwheels inside as my mind was racing with the precious few moments of free time this sweet girl bestowed upon me! She never had a "B" since she was like in diapers and thought all high school boys were stupid..can I get a amen?! She was da bomb. We loved her, we still miss her! She is now one successful college student who will do huge things to change this world of ours.


Tracy703 said...

Nee-Nee and the boys have all grown up!She still keeps pics of her twins in her apartment at college and she has the bear they gave her too!! She misses "her" twins!

Grannee said...

So glad "Nee Nee" is doing well. Give her my best!