Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Brother vs Brother

Jason and Jordan have begun their respective basketball seasons. That makes 3 teams, 1 family, 2 of which are traveling teams and 2 parents. Now ya'll know math is not my strong suite but I'm pretty sure 3-2 still doesn't equal 3 parents that can drive in 3 different directions. Not at all sure to be quite honest how we are going to pull this off but I guess like the rest of parenthood we will make it up as we go along....but shhhh, don't tell the kids we don't know what the heck we are doing...we have them VERY fooled. Anyhow, their teams got to play each other the other day. It was way fun! John and I sat in the middle and cheered each team on equally which I'm sure annoyed 50% of the crowd the entire time. They even ended up guarding each other which was rather comical because they play together so much that they know each others moves inside and out so it was a very good match up. I love this stuff! It is truly one of my favorite parts of mommyhood is going to these ridiculously early games on a Saturday morning.

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