Tuesday, September 30, 2008

While you were sleeping....

We had puppies! It's a girl! It's a boy! It'as another girl! It's another boy! Prasie God there are four because these boys have been dying to each select a name. So far we have Toby(thank you Jason) he is one of the one's with the black spots...don't ask me which one...I am too bleary eyed tired to differentiate right now. Other names are TBD. Everything went really well, Bella is a wonderful mommy just like I knew she would be. She started labor around 11:00pm, first one came out at 1:07am, she took a 3 hour break..two more came out at around 4:30am and then the final one...the only white one, came out at 5:30am. It was a looonnnggg night. As many of you know I skipped that whole era of my life staying up all night partying...I opted instead for staying up breastfeeding newborns at that time in my life...thus I have NEVER stayed awake literally ALL NIGHT LONG ever in my life. EVER! Until last night/morning. Wow, one word for me....Tired. Wow, 4 words for Justin...no school, TV day. Enjoy the pics of our super cute newest family members, they are precious!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

He da Man!

John's home! John's home with presents! John's home with my all time favorite Cracker Barrell coffee & various apple treats from our favorite farm in Illinois...Eckerts!Woo and Hoo! He can leave us anytime if he is going to return with treasures like that! Eckerts was one of our favorite places to go. It looks a bit like a storybook with orchards, tractor rides, a cute little restaurant and a mouth watering bakery and gift shop. It was where we got our pumpkins at Harvest, our Christmas trees at Christmas, our apples and peaches at...apple and peachness. They hold cooking classes, and loads of special activities for the kids. It was our go to place on a lazy Saturday afternoon. Here's some pics of it.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

A heck of a way to wake w/out caffeine!

So when your husband is out of town and you walk into your son's room to wake him....this is NOT what you want to see. Blood everywhere, everywhere blood. How is it that we mom's have the ability to go from fine to my son has been murdered and is dead somewhere all alone in 1.2 seconds flat. Not cool. Not cool at all. Justin has been having bloody noses like crazy recently and apparently he had a dousy last night and didn't come wake me...that is so Justin. Why wake my sleeping mother just because I am hemorraging out of my face...I'll be fine! I'm 6! I can handle this! He must have gotten up, climbed down his ladder and went into the bathroom as the trail of terror leads right up to the sink. I can follow his trail much like Hanzel & Gretel only with blood instead of cracker crumbs! I think I really would like to stick with a good four cups of java in the morning rather than go through this again.

Friday, September 26, 2008

He better wish I were there!

I just got this email from John who is away at a conference at Scott. The email simply reads, "Wish you were here!" and then he attached this picture. That's right Cracker Barrell. He went there...without me...sigh....not sure if he was rubbing it in by sending me this picture or if he really did wish I were there...regardless, I can taste the hashbrown casserole now! I think I shall create a bumper sticker that reads, "We brake..and drool...for Cracker Barrell"

Top Secret!

Shhhh...check it out, 1st present purchase for Christmas! They finally have come out with a Christian version of Guitar Hero! In this version the girls have adequate clothes on(bonus!) and they aren't ranting about "interesting" topics! Wooo-Hooo! Now we wait for a Godly version of Rock Band! These boys are going to flip!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Speaking of when they were little

Just came across this picture...the epitomy of multi-tasking if you ask me. Breastfeeding, bottle-feeding, and making doctor's appointments on the phone. We mom's can do it all, all at once can't we! Don't I look awesome?! Uhh...no.

Never too old I guess

Jack has been pretty clingy these last few weeks, I think he is still getting used to not having Justin around him during the day. Bigger deal for these two to be split up than I thought I suppose. Poor guy, so he has been asking to snuggle while he goes to sleep every so often. Can't say I mind! These kids grow up way to fast so I will take every cuddle I can get! His little feet don't quite fit under the blanket and they hang off the chair, but he doesn't seem to mind. It reminds me of what seems like yesterday when they were both so little we spent a lot of rocking time together.

This was the day we came home from the hospital, I don't think the 3 of us left that chair for about a month. So here we are, 6 years later...a little bigger than he was then but just as snuggly!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Kid selected, dog approved.

So Justin and I were at the commissary yesterday and we decided to get some special ice cream pops to surprise the boys after dinner. Well check out what he found, they have ice cream for dogs...uhhh, yeah...ice cream...for dogs. So I am now $2.46 poorer but hey, at least my dog had ice cream?!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Clarification on Clunky..the Junky!

So to clear it up, John is..theoretically, going to get a new truck when we move. Well, used...new to us though! (Check out Dave Ramsey www.daveramsey.com and you will never buy another new car!)

His old truck is going to rest in Portland and either be restored to something usable...or sold for parts. His first choice? Honda Ridgeline! With these kids getting bigger and beginning to go in four different directions having only one car that can transport children is becoming almost impossible. Yes, not even the seatbelts work in the old clunker. So that is that

Psst! Could you help me?

Okay so in all my new found free time I am now participating in the squadron book club. I'm thinking great, I'm excited, I love to read, I love a good book even more, it's gonna be rockin....and then I get the first selection...."The Virgins Lover" Ummm, okay, so yeah...I like to read books about like the Amish people and stuff or like Christian fiction....or like God's Holy Word...the Bible...and now I have to read the Virgins Lover? So picture me, dear friends if you will at Barnes & Noble. Now you know I am not going to just march right up there and ask for that! No way, nuh-uh, not happenin. So what do I do? Well smartly I think I can find it myself without the help of any sales clerk who will probably ridicule my choice. Now mind you, I am on a mission to find this book armed only with the title. No authors name, no real idea if I should look in the Fiction section, non-fiction...adult industry?! So I browse, and browse, and browse....gracious sakes! Do you know how many books are in Barnes & Noble?!! Finally, I relent that I am just going to have to ask someone for help and then I spend 5 minutes practicing in my head what I am going to say when I ask for this book. So of course I take the high road and decide to blame this months book club organizer and manage to stumble out the words....the vvvviirrgins lllooover. Oh she says! I know that one and leads me right to it. And here it is, The Virgins Lover...it's about Queen Elizabeth! Sheesh! Thanks Rachel for this, my first book club selection..it's been an experience I won't soon forget! See you tonight for discussion! I enjoyed it!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Big, GIANT, Breaking news!

I just learned that the current season of Army Wives is indeed NOT over yet!! New episode tonight! And, as if that were not enough jolly good news, the episode that comes on at 9:00pm tonight I have not yet seen! Gasp! Two brand new episodes in a row for me?!! Don't call me between the hours of 9:00pm PST and 11:00 PST...I will be otherwise engaged in my posse of Army Wives!

The Baby lost his 1st Baby tooth!

Though 6 whole minutes younger than Justin, Jack managed to be the first one to lose a tooth last night! Justin's are currently still all solidly in place...much to his disappointment. Our children are never healthier than when they have loose teeth. They eat a ton of crunchy fruits and veggies, and brush their teeth like mad men! All because John and I have impressed upon them that these things will expedite the tooth losing process. And lookie, look! Jack's came out last night when he was brushing his teeth. Time to have some more kids! The one's we have are growing up WAY to fast! Suggestions on J names anyone? :)

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Check it you can buy AF 1 for $250!

Justin picked out AF Monopoly for John's birthday as his present to him...that child is a Monopoly FANATIC! You have not lived until you have seen a 6 year old count back change perfectly. Crackin me up! Oh, and for any aspiring AF people out there you can become a pilot for $300, go to OTS for $250, fight a war for free, but look out for those commanders calls! They're brutal!

The heart of this boy

John and the bigs are headed off to a football game of one of their buddies this morning, a little Chick Fil A for lunch and a pop into Barnes & Noble to pick out a new book and we can call that a fun day out with dad! Jason decided at 6:45 this morning that he was going to make a sign for his friend Robbie to bring to the game. Ahhh, arts & crafts before 7am, good times.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Anonymous Popcorn Giver Revealed@!

Thank you Chris! And hey, anytime, anything we can do for you and yours while you are away fighting that pesky war...just call...we'll do anything for popcorn! Oh, and I have been trying to keep that wife of yours in check, but sheesh! She is a lot to handle. Just the other day she was at the club with some guy with piercings! I know, I know, what are we going to do? Perhaps we shall schedule an intervention upon your arrival. :) Thanks again, it was such a treat!

The Pregnant Princess on her Perch

Well, it's offical, our little Bella is soon to be a momma. Check out the countdown on the sidebar and get ready for some puppy mania via the Martin house....should be fun....or really, really awful & a lot of work....one or the other! It is going to be a great family project with these boys and has opened up all sorts of discussions via the reproductive system if you know what I mean!

This NEVER happens to us!

So yesterday afternoon Justin and I are finishing up school for the day minding our own beezwax when ding-dong! The UPS man shows up at our door. Errr, didn't order anything......dear Lord please don't let it be another child...I eagerly rip open the box and lookie look! A giant tub of popcorn!!! Popcorn is our love language...it is our best friend. We love it, we eat it, we eat it some more. I have no idea who sent this to us but what a blessing! Let me just say that again, what a BLESSING! Our newest selection from Blockbuster had arrived in the mail earlier that day so we had a great family movie night together. Thank you anonymous popcorn giver! You rock!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Mac & Cheese no more

I remember the day so long ago that one box of mac & cheese for lunch would feed at least two of the kids. Alas, no more. One box=One kid. Four boxes=Four still not quite full kids. Are the boxes getting smaller or are they getting bigger?

You're 32 now...give it up.

John had to say goodbye to his beloved truck that he got on his 16th birthday. Hello at 16, goodbye at 32. I really wanted to write on it as he drove it to work on his birthday(the last day) something like, "I'm 32, I'm a Major in the United States Air Force, and this is what I drive." So goodbye rusty ole' clunker, we have enjoyed putting no money into you over the last decade...thanks so much for driving him faithfully the 50 feet to work everyday...you will be missed.

Happy Birthday!

We partied like it was 1999....or we partied like people do who have four kids in the year 2008...whatev. Regardless, John boy is one year older!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

A baby no more

Jason headed off to 6th grade retreat for the week early this morning. Homeboy started middle school, got braces, likes a girl(sorry I can't divulge the name I have been sworn to secrecy even in blogland) and is now off for a week, again, for camp. I love this boy. He out of the blue last night announced that when he grows up his license plate is going to say, "PRAY 24 7" Future ESPN anchor/pastor in the making!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I love fall. I LOVE fall! It is my favorite time of year! Here are my top 3 favs. Apple pie...because, well duh it's really good.
Pumpkins...because it is just fun.
The new season of the Office premier....because it makes me pee my pants with laughter. And really, who doesn't like to pee their pants.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I want this shirt!

Crackin me up! In case you are old and can't see..it says, "I am voting for Sarah and that guy she's running with." Okay, seriously people, Christmas is comin! Buy me a present!

Cereal Party!

One of the kids' fav. breakfast: Cereal Party. I came up with this a few years ago when the boys had some friends over for a sleepover, I usually make a huge yummy pancake breakfast for sleepover breakfasts' but John was gone and I didn't have any Bisquick so I layed out all of the boxes of cereal that we had and called it a cereal party. All of the boys loved it as we usually have an exorbinate amount of cereal boxes in our house at one time. Party has one rule: you have to eat a bowl of healthy cereal and then you can have a "treat cereal" as we call them. It is so much easier to get kids up and out of bed in the morning before school when you announce, "Cereal Party! Come on down!" Cereal parties rock.

Goodbye Edward, my love!

I neglected my home. I neglected my children. I neglected my dog. I had an affair with Edward. I admit it right here, on this day. I got sucked into the Twilight phenomena....4 books, 3 days, it was a beautiful thing. But I left Edward at the end of book 4, the fourth and final book in the series. I miss him. -sigh-