Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Baby lost his 1st Baby tooth!

Though 6 whole minutes younger than Justin, Jack managed to be the first one to lose a tooth last night! Justin's are currently still all solidly in place...much to his disappointment. Our children are never healthier than when they have loose teeth. They eat a ton of crunchy fruits and veggies, and brush their teeth like mad men! All because John and I have impressed upon them that these things will expedite the tooth losing process. And lookie, look! Jack's came out last night when he was brushing his teeth. Time to have some more kids! The one's we have are growing up WAY to fast! Suggestions on J names anyone? :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Let me just tell you how loose teeth make me want to vomit. I am still not sure how I am going to make it through this stage. Thinking about the number of teeth x's two, ugh, I get a little weak in the knees! Thanks for posting the picture's awesome, really....okay, not really. ;-)