Sunday, February 17, 2008

Ben Kanobi becomes a Dolphin fan

Obi-one Kanobi (please do not make fun of my spelling, we have been through this) has turned into a Miami Dolphin fan and will be featured in the new Star Wars epic film, "The football force be with you." This is how we found Jack sleeping the other night. Obi-one coat firmly in place but now with addition of Jason's new Dolphin hat. Strange? Yes. Cute? Absolutely off the charts cute. I know I have said this before but these kids keep us laughing. I hope everyone has as much fun watching their kids grow up as we do. It is such a blessing to John and I that we have these four little boys that we are charged with raising to be Godly men who love the Lord. It is the best, best, best job ever and we wouldn't change it for the world!

Spelling Bee!

Jordan made it to the Northern California regional spelling bee last week! It was quite the big event in our home. John and I both took the day off of work, we took Jason out of school too so we could all be there to cheer our little champion speller on! We drove to Sacramento early in the morning, got all situated, grabbed some Starbucks and the let the spelling begin. They did two practice rounds in which Jordan got some pretty difficult words but spelled them right and then it was time to begin. Well, let me just say, there are some words in the English language that a young boy living in a home with four other boys and one non-girly, girly mom does not ever, ever hear. And one of those such words is, "anklet" That's right, "anklet" my precious baby got out on the first round with, "anklet" he came back to his chair, tears in his eyes, looked at me and said, "What the heck is an anklet?!" (He spelled it, "anclet") To add insult to injury the next word was, are you ready for this?....."hockey" ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! For goodness sake, now hockey is a word you give to my boy! Not "anklet"! But we rebounded well, went out to lunch and by the time he finished his Oreo sundae it was but gone and forgotten. And being the totally awesome mother that I am, I of course the next day went out to Claire's and bought him an anklet. :) Hey, a mother's got to do what a mother's got to do.

Sleep Study

Justin had quite the time at the "Sleep Hospital" last week. They think he has sleep apnea which would explain all of the snoring, the bed wetting, the tiredness and last but certainly NOT least, the immense crabbiness during the day. Anyhow, we'll get result sometime next week but in the meantime here is what he looked like as, "Jet-pack boy!" That is what he kept calling himself all night. Too funny. He was a trooper and kept everything in place all night!

Whose dumb idea?

So as a parent you must go on something like 12,000 field trips during the course of your child's education. Well, let me be the first to say the one that John and I went on last week was by far the most ridiculous. We went iceskating. Iceskating with 5 year olds. Iceskating with 24; 5 year olds. Ummmm, hello? What on earth are they thinking? Thankfully both John and I were able to go so as I was slipping and sliding all over the place...essentially looking like a complete dork.... while trying to help one of the twins John would swoop on by at 45 miles an hour with his ice hockey playing self and scoop one up and skate them all over the ice. So it turned out well....well, as well as ice skating WITH 24 5 YEAR OLD'S CAN BE!!

Happy Birthday Punkie!

One turns 11, the other turns 10. The madness must stop! These kids are growing up way to fast and we are having way too much fun with them. Jordan turned 10 and also had a great birthday this year. We typically go on a big overnight trip and really live it up for a double digit birthday but this year there was so much going on that we have decided to wait and we will be going to Yosemite for spring break. In true Jordan fashion he declined a cake this year and instead opted for a shrimp tray from Costco....I know, I know, I too blame his grandfather. :) Happy Birthday Punkie, we love you!

Happy Birthday J!

Our oldest is now 11!They grow up so fast....sniff...cry...sob, booo and hooo. 11 years we have kept this boy alive! He had a great birthday complete with a sleepover with his buddies; some great food and some great gifts! My neighbor Cindy has risen the bar about 20 feet as she bought each of them a jersey. No cheapiness here. Two real live honest to goodness team jerseys. Yikes! I have to go now and get a second job to start saving for her kids' presents.

Another busted head

Another day, another Martin boy busts his head open. Yawn! This is becoming routine in our home! :) Jack was talking to a girl on the Kindergarten playground last week and as we all know, us girls can make boys swoon. So as he was discussing world peace I am sure with Priscilla, he turned to go back up the stairs and slipped....distracted by her 5 year old beauty no doubt...and sliced his head open on the edge of the stairs. Some loving mom came by and scooped him up and ran him into the nurses office. A trip to the E.R. and some skin glue and we are good to go. Does anyone know if you can buy that at Costco? At this point I am considering purchasing it in bulk.