Sunday, February 17, 2008

Whose dumb idea?

So as a parent you must go on something like 12,000 field trips during the course of your child's education. Well, let me be the first to say the one that John and I went on last week was by far the most ridiculous. We went iceskating. Iceskating with 5 year olds. Iceskating with 24; 5 year olds. Ummmm, hello? What on earth are they thinking? Thankfully both John and I were able to go so as I was slipping and sliding all over the place...essentially looking like a complete dork.... while trying to help one of the twins John would swoop on by at 45 miles an hour with his ice hockey playing self and scoop one up and skate them all over the ice. So it turned out well....well, as well as ice skating WITH 24 5 YEAR OLD'S CAN BE!!

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