Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Martins take on Yosemite!

Once again we hit the road with the kids, this time to celebrate some spring break time off. We chose Yosemite and had a pretty good time. There were some bumps, and turns....lots and lots and lots of turns on the road which led to Jack puking in his carseat about 1/2 mile from the hotel....he almost made it, poor little green thing. I will spare you the pics of that, but trust me....hour old Round Table pepperoni pizza coming out of a 5 year olds mouth on the side of the road in the middle of the forest was not pretty! The first night the big's and I signed up to go on a nightime flashlight hike with the guide. The stars were amazing and it was all of our first time in snow shoes so that was an adventure all in it's own. We went on some hikes, had some good food, saw some trees, and more trees, and swam in the hotel pool...a lot and saw some more trees! Did I mention all of the trees? Next Martin family vacate.....San Diego, coming to a blog near you; Fall 2008!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

3 out of 4?!!!

I took the boys for their 6 month dental check up today.....let's start with the good news....not a cavity in the bunch! Now, the other news......3 out of the 4 need braces. Jason, Jack & Justin. Jason needs them now and the twins will need some sort of correction for a 100% overbite when all of their baby teeth fall out...which is good because that gives John and I both the chance to get second jobs to pay for this. I always wondered what grocery store clerks get paid... I think I am about to find out! 3 out of the 4? Are you kidding me? Am I being punked? Jason has some freaky tooth(that is my technical name for it) that sticks almost straight out right next to one of his front teeth that will apparently not correct itself as I have been secretly hoping it would for months now in addition to the same overbite that the twins have. Sigh----3 sets of braces.....this was SO not in the mommy book...especially as they are offspring of two people who never needed braces in their life...what on earth?! Standby for more posts on this as we meet with the orthodontist in the coming weeks, ya'll know I'll be complaining further about this! :)

Baseball Draft

It only took 11 years but Jason finally broke John down and convinced him to let him do his own fantasy baseball draft. You will notice that this post is remarkably short, as I don't know a lot about that; but what I do know is that my living room is currently full of very excited boys who keep shouting out names that I have a vague recolation of hearing before on Sports Center.

Surgery Successful?!

He lives! Justin came through surgery a few tonsils and adenoids lighter and is 100% back to normal! He was such a trooper! Everyone took great care of him and his nurse said that he was his favorite patient ever!(I choose not to believe that he says to everyone and instead believe that he really meant that!) They gave him a "special doctor's shirt", a stethescope, a party hat and off he marched right on into the operating room. It was quite funny as he was walking through the doors they shouted, "Here comes Doogie Howser!" Very, very cute, and he loved all of the attention. He had a rough time waking up in the recovery room and was in pain and disoriented but as soon as I got in there and bent down and talked in his ear he immediately turned over and went to sleep. So, so sweet what a mommy's voice can do. I love that little bean. We have been having a great time together, the first four days were just he and I as the other boys were still in school so we snuggled, watched lots of movies and many episodes of Sponge Bob and ate through 4 cartons of sherbert....come on people, I couldn't let the boy eat alone! :) John took a day off and spent with him when I had to go to work for a day and they had great man time together. With mom you watch Bambi, with dad you watch ESPN, and a well balanced child you produce. Thanks for all the great presents and well wishes, he felt loved!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Surgery on Wednesday

Survey says......Sleep Apnea!
Aha! I knew my son wasn't losing his mind and going to be expelled from Kindergarten for no reason! He is just very, very tired!
Justin will be having his tonsils and adenoids removed on Wednesday so a popsicle shopping we will go. Even more exciting it means I have 19 days off of work(his recovery time runs right into Spring Break) to spend snuggling on the couch with him! Woo-hoo, happy dance! We will keep you posted, pre-op stuff tomorrow but will try and post on Thursday. Pray for our sweet baby Justin!