Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Martins take on Yosemite!

Once again we hit the road with the kids, this time to celebrate some spring break time off. We chose Yosemite and had a pretty good time. There were some bumps, and turns....lots and lots and lots of turns on the road which led to Jack puking in his carseat about 1/2 mile from the hotel....he almost made it, poor little green thing. I will spare you the pics of that, but trust me....hour old Round Table pepperoni pizza coming out of a 5 year olds mouth on the side of the road in the middle of the forest was not pretty! The first night the big's and I signed up to go on a nightime flashlight hike with the guide. The stars were amazing and it was all of our first time in snow shoes so that was an adventure all in it's own. We went on some hikes, had some good food, saw some trees, and more trees, and swam in the hotel pool...a lot and saw some more trees! Did I mention all of the trees? Next Martin family vacate.....San Diego, coming to a blog near you; Fall 2008!

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