Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Cereal Party!

One of the kids' fav. breakfast: Cereal Party. I came up with this a few years ago when the boys had some friends over for a sleepover, I usually make a huge yummy pancake breakfast for sleepover breakfasts' but John was gone and I didn't have any Bisquick so I layed out all of the boxes of cereal that we had and called it a cereal party. All of the boys loved it as we usually have an exorbinate amount of cereal boxes in our house at one time. Party has one rule: you have to eat a bowl of healthy cereal and then you can have a "treat cereal" as we call them. It is so much easier to get kids up and out of bed in the morning before school when you announce, "Cereal Party! Come on down!" Cereal parties rock.

1 comment:

Pielstick said...

Sonia- you are a great mom! I love how you make everything something exciting and fun! Your boys will have so many amazing memories when they are grown.