Tuesday, March 3, 2009

An exploding lullabye for you

So last night John was up late working on an exercise the base is having this week and I gave him a kiss and said good night, to which he replys, Love you, oh and you might hear some noises throughout the night tonight. Oh, airplane noises? I ask. Thinking that those are nothing new for us, ridiculously loud engine testing after all is what has lulled my children to sleep their entire life. No, bomb exploding noises he casually says. Oh, well....bombs...uhh, okay...no problem. What's an exploding bomb noise here or there!!! I'll just have a beer and go to bed then. Sweet dreams everyone!

PS...I had to google "bomb" to get this picture for all of you....so I am probably now on some type of Homeland Security List...so if no one sees nor hears from me for a few days; watch the news and bring me a snack in my prison cell; I would appreciate it.


Unknown said...

Okay, that was funny. Really, really funny. I'll bring you cake in prison. I have od'd on it in this house anyway.

Papa said...

Can I come out of Blog withdrawal now? I felt like I was in the desert with no Blog (water)!
It's like a rain after the drought!
Like salt with pepper!
Like... well you get it!!!
Cute Cute Stuff!!!

rem said...

I didn't hear the bomb-- glad for that, but the giant voice just would not stop! Today, when the siren was going off, Virginia thought it was a ghost. It's 6:02-- do you think our hubby's will be home soon? At least it's not a real deployment!