Friday, January 18, 2008

No explanation necessary

An Icee

A flight of stairs

A 9 year old

Need I say more?

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Grocery Bill

This is why we spend $1,000 a month on groceries....these boys eat and then they eat, and then they eat. It's breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, pre-dinner snack, dinner, post dinner snack, pre-bedtime snack, pre-wash your teeth and get your pj's on DOES NOT END. I live in the kitchen. I am considering putting a lazy boy in there, some fuzzy slippers and a collection of my favorite DVD's. And I'm not kidding, the meals we serve are complete! Dr. Spock would be so proud. They get a meat, a veggie, a fruit, a noodle or rice of some kind and a bread at essentially every meal. Add to that a tall glass of vanilla soy milk and watch the consumption begin. It is frightening....truly frightening the amount of food that exits this house on a daily basis. Their "snacks" consist mainly of fresh fruit, string cheese, yogurts, graham crackers, cheese but goodness gracious they just inhale it! For example, when they all want an apple for a snack they will eat 6(about 1 1/2 each) of them! Ahhhhhhh! How on earth do we keep up with that? So just in case you are feeling sorry for our food plight donations can be sent to:

John and Sonia's Poorhouse cause their kids are pigs

c/o Commissary's across the country

123 What on Earth are we going to do Lane

Empty our Wallettville, USA 1,0046/month

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A very risky new year

We rang in the new year as we almost always do. John and I stay up and have a "party"with the kids, we turn back the clock 4 hours...they go to bed at 9...they think it's midnight...we shout, "Happy New Year!" and everyone, including us are in bed by 9:30. It's really just a genius system we have ourselves I must say...we should write a parenting book or something. This year, those little kids have finally caught up with us and now would realize that midnight is midnight. So we started a new "tradition" I go to bed, John stays up and has a real party with the boys and their friends. This year it included loads of pizza, snacks and milkshakes, a Madden Tournament and a game of Risk. I assume they had fun....I, in the spirit of full disclosure was upstairs snoozing as any normal wife would be. Happy New Year!

Our new baby

It's a BOY....or a GIRL! I really DON'T KNOW but my husband is in love with it....and between you and's his favorite of our 5 children...he hasn't actually said that out loud...but I can tell by the twinkle in his eye whenever he looks at he/she/'s his favorite. So here's the newborn stats:

Born: December 14th, 2007

Location: BX

Height: uhhhhh, dunno

Weight: 60 pds

Width:46 inches

Thickness:Flat. Very, very, flat.

High Def status:High. Very, very high.

May the force be with you

Jack has transformed into Obi One Kanobi....Obi Won Kenobi? I don't know, I am a girl for goodness sake I can pronounce and spell Barbie names, not Star Wars people. Anyway, you know who I am talking know, the old guy with the beard and the long cloak with the hood that's always on.....Ben! Ben Konobi.....Obi One Ben whatever! Jack has become him and has turned out to the the first Martin child to become completely obsessed with something for such a long period of time! It is so stinkin cute! A few weeks ago he found a coat of Jordan's that is of course way to big for little baby Jack but he wears it ALL THE TIME. He sleeps in it with the hood on, he eats with the hood on, he plays UNO with his brothers and dad with the hood on, the kid goes everywhere with that coat.