Tuesday, January 15, 2008

May the force be with you

Jack has transformed into Obi One Kanobi....Obi Won Kenobi? I don't know, I am a girl for goodness sake I can pronounce and spell Barbie names, not Star Wars people. Anyway, you know who I am talking about.....you know, the old guy with the beard and the long cloak with the hood that's always on.....Ben! Ben Konobi.....Obi One Ben whatever! Jack has become him and has turned out to the the first Martin child to become completely obsessed with something for such a long period of time! It is so stinkin cute! A few weeks ago he found a coat of Jordan's that is of course way to big for little baby Jack but he wears it ALL THE TIME. He sleeps in it with the hood on, he eats with the hood on, he plays UNO with his brothers and dad with the hood on, the kid goes everywhere with that coat.

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