Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Kermit....IN MY HOUSE

Ahhh! What a terrible time to be without a camera! I mean come on, twins with the stomach flu alone is a blog entry! Further last night I was turning out lights a bit before 9pm getting ready for bed(yes, I have the sleeping schedule of a 2 year old, I am aware of this) and I pulled the blinds closed by our back door and something jumped. Yeppers, a frog in my house. Let me just say that again in case you missed it....THERE WAS A FROG IN MY HOUSE! Now for those of you that don't know me all together too well, let me just tell you....I don't do frogs. So like any normal wife and mother would do with a husband out of town...I called for my 10 year old who is always up late reading in his bed. 10 year old boys and that is a match made in heaven. I asked him if he was ready to be the, "man of the house." He obliged, shoo, shoo, shoo and out jumped the frog to the backyard. Ahhhh, I love having boys. If I had four girls right now we would all still be standing on the kitchen table shrieking with voices only dogs can hear. Boys rock.

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