Monday, December 1, 2008

Can't turn my back for a minute!

When people gawk at us in stores or out in the neigborhood at the fact that we have four boys so close together I get the ineveitable, "Wow, you must be busy!" or, "I feel sorry for you!" or inevitably, "Are they all yours?" Well, I wouldn't say it's the busyness that keeps us on our toes because we are just so used to that...and I just find the feel sorry for me comment slightly insulting. What it would be is the noise. Four boys = noise, noise, noise and a bit more noise. Someone is always talking, someone is usually unhappy about something and someone is DEFINITELY always hungry which brings about more noise. They are amazing and we are so blessed to have them but here is just a small glimpse at what happens when I run to the store and daddy is trying to catch a few minutes of the Oregon State football game.

Yep, that's Jordan. Tied to the kitchen table by his brother with some wristbands, a valance and a pool stick. Busy? No. Loud? Yes. Feel sorry for me? No.How boring would it be to go to the store and not find one of your children tied to the table.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's funny, because that is exactly what I do to my kids so I can run to the store in peace! (for your friends who may read this, I have to add a just kidding)