Wednesday, February 4, 2009


So I was invited to go to a Zumba class at the base gym last night; I'll try just about anything once, so I said yes without even knowing what on earth a Zumba(noun?) or Zumbaing(verb?) would entail. Well, let me just be the first to tell involves a LOT of tail. Yep, as the rappers would must shake your money maker...guess that explains why I ain't got a lot of money! So a couple of things about the class itself:

No one told me there would be MIRRORS and windows in the room......and believe me ladies; that ain't pretty...that room was most definitely designed by a very mean, mean man.

I stood in the back as any normal person would and about halfway through they flipped it so that the back people were in the front....ummmm, that is NOT OKAY! Why do you think the back people like being in the back?!!!!!

The room was full of about 15 women and 1 very enthusiastic man in spandex....'nough said.

I positioned myself next to an elderly Chineese woman thinking I could blend in.....she was WAY better at this than I was.

I was apparently biting my bottom lip the ENTIRE class trying to concentrate on the moves and didn't realize this until the end when I discovered a giant sore on my lip.

I am the whitest white girl ever. This white girl cannot dance.

And finally, after 4 kids in 5 one, I repeat, NO ONE wants me to shake anything and I am all but certain that night will somehow, someway end up on You Tube.

Because though I like to think of myself as this:

I am truly more like this:

With my motto being something like this:

Happy Zumbaing!


Unknown said... crack me up. I always go to the back so that I can watch all the people in the front and no one can see I think it's kinda funny they switched up in the middle on you. Of course, I'm only laughing because it didn't happen to me :)

Pielstick said...

Thanks for another great laugh! I would have paid big money (ok not BIG money cause I don't have that) but I would have given up a latte to see you Zumba!!! You are brave! I am only brave enough to try these type of things in the privacy of my living room. (and when no one is home)