Friday, October 10, 2008

Keeping up with the Welch's & the rest of America

Okay, okay, okay...I confess...we are without Tivo....we have been living in the dark ages apparently. Well now that baseball playoff's have begun(Go Red Sox) we are having a revolt amongst the natives that the games tend to continue WELL past bedtime around here which means they are missing a signifigant portion of the fun. That will never do so John boy made a phone call and lookie look, Comcast is having DVR free for a year! Yippee! So after spending 35 minutes in line today at the Comcast place we have our new DVR box. Can I just say how ghetto that place is? Can I also say that if you where your pajamas to the store, and you are carrying your kid who looks like they haven't bathed in a week then you probably shouldn't be spending $$ on cable every month! Perhaps our priorities are a little off base? Maybe 1st should be get dressed, bathe the baby, and then worry about your TV viewing opportunities? Just a thought! Anyhoo, the war is over...peace & baseball will once again reign among our home.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Well it's about time!!! ;-) Your life is about to change!And let me just add I took my kids to Little Ceasars last night in their pajamas. It was Welch family movie night and pajamas are part of the rules. I went to get a pizza and since they were already in their pjs, I had planned on leaving them in the car. But, speaking of ghetto...I couldn't take the risk! Still haven't decided if $5 pizza is worth risking my life.