Thursday, November 20, 2008

Clip Art

Whilest we are on the subject of things that perplex Sonia; let me just throw another one out there. Clip art. How do those pictures of those people come to be a part of clip art? Did they audition for this? Are they compensated for their time and downloadableness? I have some submissions for clip art that I would like Mr. Bill Gates or whomever to consider.

Exhibit A:This is my suggestion for water, or children, personal favorite:grass seed. Because if you look in the background this is what our yard looked like when we first moved in. Boy have we come along way and I owe it all to grass seed, thus I feel strongly that this is clip art worthy.

Exhibit B: Cute. Come on people, it's twins...on a well SEEDED lawn with a teddy bear. That should pop up first when one types in "cute."

Exhibit C: Military, wife, lonely, stinkin funny. This is what happens when this country goes to war. Women are left behind with no one to kiss, hold, hug when the Air Force Ball rolls around...I mean really. Where are our priorities?!

Exhibit D: Multi-tasking. Don't laugh, I'd like to see you breastfeed, talk on the phone and feed a baby all at the same time..on about 2.1 hours of sleep. Yep, multi-tasking..definitely clip art material.

Exhibit E: Cold. This was our yard in North Dakota. Nuff said. Anyone who thinks this doesn't qualify as cold I am going to beat up.

Exhibit F:Loveable....and/or spoiled but loveable none the less.(and who would want their picture to come up when someone types in spoiled. Yuck.

Exhibit G:History. This would NEVER happen in our home now. Yep, most definitely HISTORY!

Standby for more clip art suggestions. I must go mother my children now...sigh...time to feed them...again. Does anyone know if they sell troughs for your kitchen? Oh! Trough! There is another one! I have four suggestions for that!




1 comment:

Unknown said...

John should leave more often, because you just get so creative and funny!!! Okay, you're always funny but this cracks us up! I'm having a real hard time deciding which of your boys I think is the cutest... They should put on a show for me and then I can decide based on there competitiveness...