Friday, November 21, 2008

What the?

Deep thoughts by Sonia...edition 3. The egg. Who, I ask you who! Saw an egg fall from a chickens hiney and said, "hmmm, I think I could eat that." or "Hey kids! I just found lunch!" And then when they cracked it open and saw the raw yolk in all of it's slimy glory were they more excited or less so? And at one point when they must have cracked it and discovered this:

Did they do this?

did they try to eat that with a side of bacon? Is this how Chick-Fil-A got it's name?
The times in my life I have ever seen anything fall from anyone's or anything's hiney(which four kids and many farm field trips later is surprisingly often) I have NEVER had the urge to pop it on the grill and eat it up for dinner. Never. So who was this mysterious person. I shall add him(because let's just be real people, we know it was a HIM) to my list of people I'd like to meet one day.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That's a tad bid disturbing...