Sunday, November 16, 2008

Disneyland...Take 2!

John had a convention in SoCal last week so I, being the totally awesome and cost-concious wife that I am, packed up the kids and we all went with him. Free hotel in Anaheim...thank you USAF. So while John was busying himself with "offical Air Force business" mingling and enjoying loads of free food I trekked around Disneyland for 3 days with the boys. I won't lie, I had a small voice inside of my head whispering, "Hey! You! Crazy Lady! What are you thinking taking four boys to Disneyland by yourself!!! Are you medicated?!" but they were all phenomenal and we had the best time! The Jonas Brothers were there shooting a Christmas special..for all of you over the age of 20 who do not know who the Jonas Brothers are, they are the current pop teen sensation from Disney so we got to watch them for a brief 15 seconds until the boys were bored with that. I have never in my life been more grateful for four boys rather than four girls as I would have had to drag them screaming away from these teen heart-throbs. It was our last trip to Disney as we are headed to bigger and better things down south where Disney WORLD is only 5 hours away. Woo-Hoo! Can't wait!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

OMG!!! THE JONAS BROTHERS!! I wish I was you!! haha, just kidding. Great pics, although I think that voice in your head was me...