Sunday, August 31, 2008

Lessons in life via the Welch children

Lesson #1....girls are very different than boys. I don't know if that is news to any of you...but wow, spend a couple hours with one girl in a house full of boys and the difference is clear! My friend Christina had a meeting the other night so I volunteered to hang out with her two kiddos, Ellie & Easton, they are too cute and it was nice to have some more estrogen in the house for a change...but wow, are they ever different! For example, when her little brother wants a snack she gets him a chair, scoots him up to the table, talks sweetly to him and hand feeds him his snack one bit at a time. Now this ladies and gents would be contrary to what happens in a home devoid of girls. Little brother wants a snack? Well first taunt him with said snack and pretend that you are going to eat every last bit of it without sharing with him and once you get him crying good and hard, throw it at him at top speed and use his mouth as target practice so you can improve your pitching skills. Thanks Ellie for the peak at the other side of life! You rock!

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